
Accommodation for Elliott and Lingard

Once again this season Lingard Goulding will be travelling from the other side of the world to join us as a player and to coach our junior side of the club.  Unfortunately at this stage we don’t have accommodation sorted out for Lingard.  If anyone has a spare room, a granny flat, or knows of some solution that will assist Lingard with accommodation for the six months of cricket season, please contact Jason Scroop on 0408 855 238, or email

Last season we had Henry Smith join us from the Hastings Cricket Club in the UK.  This season we have two more young lads joining us from Hastings, both a similar age to Henry.  Elliott and Finn.  Finn has accommodation already sorted out, but Elliott doesn’t, so in addition to Lingard we are also keen on finding suitable accommodation for Elliott.

Lingard will have a vehicle, but Elliott won’t so his accommodation will need to be near the cricket club, or near the tram line.  Once again, please contact Jason Scroop if you have any suggestions or an ability to assist with accommodation for Elliott.

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