White Pages phone book deliveries
Once again will have committed to doing the White Pages phone book deliveries around the local areas (Goodwood, Black Forest, Ashford). We will receive the books around the 6th of September and have 3 weeks to deliver all books.
We will use the Ashford Hospital warehouse as our depot for collection of the books. If you have access to a car and trailer, or a ute or van, we would love your help. If we can get 10 groups together we will complete our task in one morning. If you don’t have access to a vehicle but would be happy to assist our great community club with this task, please put your hand up.
Please contact Warwick Potts via email Warwick.potts@healthscope.com.au and register your interest. This task helps keep the cost of cricket down. Don’t be one of those people who happily accepts lower fees but isn’t prepared to assist with the work that produces that benefit.
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